April Harris Jackson

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Will the Government Take Your Assets if You Do Not Have a Will in Place?

Will the Government Take Your Assets if You Do Not Have a Will in Place?

One concern I frequently hear is a worry that the government will take assets from a loved one or take assets from an estate instead of family members inheriting it. These are valid concerns because there are specific instances where this can happen, but as a general rule, the government DOES NOT take assets unless they have a legal reason for doing so.

The State of Tennessee will not take your assets

There are a few instances where the government will take your assets if you die without a will. For example, if someone received Medicaid (TennCare) to pay for long-term care, if they owed back taxes, or if no family members can be located. But, as a general rule, the State of Tennessee is not going to take your assets.

Tennessee will find your closest heirs

The State of Tennessee has a statute that lays out how your assets will pass if you die without a will. Your assets will pass to what we call your heirs at law. Those are really the people that you probably think of as your closest relatives: your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, your parents, your siblings, your nieces and nephews, your cousins, and farther out. But it’s the close relatives that the state will seek out.

Generally, the government is going to look for anyone related to you before they get any money. I hope that sharing this information with you has given you a sense of relief if you were told inaccurate information elsewhere.

If you have other questions about your estate or that of a loved one, click here to schedule a call with us.

Legal Protections Every Tennessean Can Learn About from the LGBTQIA+ Community

Legal Protections Every Tennessean Can Learn About from the LGBTQIA+ Community


Hey there, Nashville and Middle Tennessee! Estate planning might sound like a snooze-fest, but it’s super important for everyone, no matter your background or family situation. The LGBTQIA+ community has faced some unique challenges over the years, and there’s a lot we can learn from their experiences about protecting our loved ones and making sure our wishes are honored. Let’s dive into some valuable lessons that can help all of us.

Lesson 1: The Importance of Legal Documentation

The LGBTQIA+ community has had to fight hard to make sure their chosen families are recognized legally. Without the right legal documents, like wills, trusts, and advance directives, partners and chosen family members often couldn’t make medical decisions or inherit property. This highlights how important it is for everyone to have these documents in place! It’s all about making sure your wishes are clear and legally binding, so your loved ones are protected and have access to you when it’s most important.

Lesson 2: Understanding Intestacy Laws in Tennessee

Intestacy laws decide how your stuff gets distributed if you pass away without a will. In most states, these laws favor relatives by blood and marriage, causing a lot of heartache and disputes when those avenues aren’t available. That’s why it’s crucial for everyone to understand how Tennessee’s intestacy laws work and to take steps to create a valid will. This way, your assets go to the people you choose, not just your blood relatives.

Lesson 3: The Role of Advance Directives in Medical Decision-Making

One major lesson from the LGBTQIA+ community is the importance of advance directives for medical emergencies. Without a healthcare power of attorney or living will, medical professionals might turn to biological family members who might not know your wishes (or just not want to follow them). By creating these documents, you can make sure your trusted person makes decisions for you, ensuring your wishes are followed and your MVPs are involved in your care. 

Lesson 4: Protecting Shared Assets and Property

For most couples, shared assets and property are a big part of their lives. Without proper estate planning, these assets can be at risk. This is a lesson for everyone in Middle Tennessee: make a comprehensive estate plan that includes wills, trusts, and property agreements. This helps protect your shared assets and ensures they go to the right people, avoiding legal disputes.

Lesson 5: Marriage Equality and Estate Planning

The legal recognition of same-sex marriages has been a huge win, giving all couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. But marriage equality alone doesn’t cover everything that your family may need. All married couples in Nashville and Middle Tennessee need detailed estate plans that reflect their unique needs. This includes updating beneficiary designations, creating wills and trusts, and setting up advance directives to outline and protect your wishes.

Lesson 6: Proactive Estate Planning for Legal Protection

The ongoing fight for LGBTQIA+ rights shows us that legal protections can change with political and social climates. This is a reminder for everyone in Nashville and Middle Tennessee to be proactive about estate planning. Stay informed about legal developments and work with knowledgeable professionals to create estate plans that offer peace of mind and security. Estate planning isn’t just about legalities; it’s about making sure your loved ones are cared for and your wishes are respected.


The LGBTQIA+ community’s history offers valuable lessons in estate planning for everyone in Nashville and Middle Tennessee. As we reflect on these lessons, take a moment to talk about your estate plan with your family. If you need to update your plan or start from scratch, give us a call! We’re here to help you protect your loved ones and build a secure future.


Will TennCare Choices pay for my Mother’s nursing home?

Last week we defined TennCare and how it applies to our clients. This week I want to go more in-depth with how TennCare serves Tennesseans with long-term care. 

Many people believe that Medicare benefits will cover nursing home care once an individual is 65 or older, but this simply isn’t true. While Medicare covers the first 100 days, it doesn’t cover long-term assisted living. Read more about Medicare here

TennCare Choices logo for Tennessee Medicaid Long-Term Services and Support
Choices” is Tennessee’s Medicaid program for long-term care services and support

Back to TennCare/Medicaid…

My Mom doesn’t have long-term healthcare insurance. What are my options? 

  1. Payout of pocket until you run out of cash – This is an unrealistic option for most families. Nursing home care is expensive. Not a lot of people have an extra $7,000-$11,000 a month in their bank accounts.  
  2. Do a reverse mortgage on her home. 
  3. Qualify for the TennCare / Medicaid program called “CHOICES”

As you can see, options 1 and 2 are very unpleasant and leave nothing left for a loved one’s legacy. However, option 3, CHOICES, is definitely something worth looking into.

What is CHOICES?

CHOICES is the category of TennCare that provides Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) such as nursing home care.

What is the process for getting qualified for CHOICES?

In order to be eligible to receive benefits from TennCare/Medicaid your loved one must first qualify within these three categories:  

  1. Medical eligibility 
  2. Income threshold
  3. Asset threshold
Wheelchair bound woman looking up at a nurse in white while at a nursing home for long-term care
Being medically and financially eligible is necessary for TennCare approval

How does someone become medically eligible for TennCare CHOICES?

The state of Tennessee will determine who is medically eligible to receive TennCare Long-Term Services and Support (LTSS) by using a pre-admission evaluation (PAE). This PAE is used to determine if the applicant can do basic life skills on their own without help. The PAE will also determine if the applicant is safe in their current environment. 

The PAE is a strict evaluation and it is performed on a case-by-case basis. An applicant must receive a score of 9 or higher on a 26 point scale in order to be considered medically eligible for TennCare Long-Term Support Services. 

For example, a caregiver or healthcare provider may be asked about a patient’s level of ability to do things and how much assistance is needed. 

The following Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are covered in the PAE evaluation: 

  • Transfering
  • Mobility
  • Communication
  • Medication
  • Orientation
  • Eating
  • Behavior

If you or your loved one is unlikely to get to a nine or higher on the PAE, it is always appropriate to ask for a “safety determination” evaluation as an alternative route of becoming medically eligible for Choices. 

How can someone become financially eligible to receive CHOICES

You must be able to prove that the applicant has a low income and little assets. As of January 2022, an individual applying for TennCare CHOICES cannot have an income exceeding $2,523.00 per month. Additionally, the applicant cannot have more than $2,000 in assets. This includes any money in the bank and investment accounts but also requires consideration of retirement accounts, life insurance policies, real estate, artwork, jewelry, and any other valuables. When we talk about the assets for a couple of things get a little more complex. The most important thing is that both the applicant and their family are taken care of, both medically and financially. 

Graceful Aging Legal Services, PLLC Logo for the Care and Savings Assessment - It is a graph with lines slowly going down.

My Mom is over the limits for income and assets? What do we do? 

If the applicant is in excess of the amounts we can plan for that! We have a tool to help people who have excess income and assets yet need to qualify for TennCare/Medicaid called the “Care and Savings Assessment”. With this Care and Savings Assessment, we work to determine the best way to structure you or your loved one’s finances, either now or in the future. We plan so that our clients have the peace of mind knowing they can qualify for TennCare if and when they need it! 

In conclusion 

It is often helpful to have an attorney assess your financial situation and offer recommendations on how those finances may be restructured to qualify for TennCare Long-Term Services and Support (LTSS). As an experienced TennCare planning attorney, I can help you evaluate your risk and create a plan that takes care of everyone in the family.

Are you ready for help with TennCare planning? Contact us and we can discuss your plan. Next week we will go over some examples of how we restructure an individual’s finances to meet their needs for long-term care. 

My spouse and I are separated. How do I disinherit my spouse?

My spouse and I are separated. How do I disinherit my spouse?

When one spouse wants to disinherit the other, but they are still married, it can be a complicated process. In most cases, disinheriting a spouse is only possible if you have a valid prenuptial agreement or if you are divorced. 

Let’s illustrate this with an example: 

Jack and Jill have been married for five years, and have one child together. Their house was purchased by Jill before they were married, and Jack’s name was never added to the deed. 

Jill recently discovered that Jack is cheating on her with the Instacart shopper. She and Jack are now separated and have started the divorce process, but she wants to make sure that if she dies before the divorce is final that Jack won’t get anything from her. 

What can Jill do? 

Jill can disinherit her spouse after the divorce

Unfortunately, Jill cannot disinherit Jack until she files for divorce. Tennessee law does not allow you to disinherit your spouse- even if you write a will that says that! My advice is to get divorced as quickly as possible. Unless divorced, Jack is entitled to his share. 

The good news is that once divorce papers have been filed, there will be an automatic injunction that specifies that the pair no longer have spousal rights on the property through marriage. This is primarily to protect things like bank accounts, real estate, relationships with the children, and health insurance coverage. However, all that does is prevent money from being spent by either spouse outside of regular expenses. Jill won’t be able to do anything, like estate planning, until after the divorce has been settled or through special permission from a judge. 

In the meantime, there are still a few steps Jill can take:

Utilize her prenuptial agreement

Jack and Jill signed a prenuptial agreement prior to their marriage. In it, they waived the right to inherit from each other. All Jill needs to do now is to rewrite her will to specifically omit Jack.

Divide assets into separate trusts

Jill can establish a trust under her name and place the house in it. Since Jack’s name isn’t on the deed or on the trust, he has no right to the house if Jill were to pass before the divorce is finalized. 

Rewrite her will

Jill can rewrite her will so that Jack only gets what he is entitled to by law, called his elective share. In Tennessee, spouses are entitled to a homestead allowance, a year of support, and elective share. The elective share amount depends on how long you are married. 

Hire a family law attorney

 The divorce will go much quicker with the help of a family law attorney. 

Jill can get a jump start on planning her estate.

Finally, if Jill is preparing for a divorce, she can take advantage of all the legal documents at her fingertips and get a head start on creating the estate plan she desires. Once her divorce decree is finalized, she can meet with her lawyer and sign the document to make it valid. 

Are you getting a divorce and want to start over with your own will and estate plan in Tennessee? Are you looking for a referral to a family law attorney? Let us know! We are happy to help you make plans for your new life. Not sure where to start? Give us a call. We offer a complimentary 15-minute call to see if we are the right fit for you and your situation. You can schedule your call by clicking here

How to Include Your Service Providers In Your Estate Plan

How to Include Your Service Providers In Your Estate Plan

A  Davidson County will and trust lawyer’s job is to make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row so that if you become incapacitated or die, your loved ones will know how to manage your estate and follow your wishes.  Laws in Tennessee vary from those found around the country, which is why you want to work with an attorney who is skilled in understanding your specific needs.  One area that should be considered is your service providers. 

Make a list of your service providers and put it in your estate plan

“Service providers” covers a wide range of individuals involved in your life.  Should you be unable to communicate with them, you want to ensure that your trustee, executor, conservator, or other responsible person is able to communicate with them on your behalf.  Having them all listed in one place will make this job much more manageable. 

Household Providers 

This list should include all of the people or companies that you deal with when it comes to the maintenance of your home.  In some cases, your home will need to continue to function in your absence, and your representative will need to be able to contact these people to make sure things keep running smoothly.  In other cases, whether you are deceased or incapacitated, there are certain services that you may no longer need, and the person in charge needs to be able to contact the service providers and cancel with them. 

Some examples of household providers that you will want to list might include: 

  • Computer support 
  • Food or water delivery 
  • Gardening 
  • Pet care
  • Housekeepers 
  • Heating/Cooling system maintenance 
  • Heating oil delivery 
  • House sitters 
  • Pest control 
  • Pool or spa maintenance 
  • Utilities 
  • Vehicle maintenance 

Basically, anything that you have performed on a regular basis should be noted, along with contact and payment information. 

Medical Service Providers 

You should also provide your representative with contacts for your medical service providers.  This information could be very valuable should you need medical attention but be unable to reach out to these providers on your own.  Additionally, if you have standing appointments with these providers, it will be helpful to have them canceled so you don’t accrue charges for services you’re not using. 

Some of the medical service providers you may want to include on your list are: 

  • Chiropractor 
  • Counselor 
  • Dentist 
  • Massage therapist 
  • Ophthalmologist 
  • Physical therapist 
  • Primary care physician 
  • Psychiatrist 
  • Specialists 

Personal Service Providers

There are other types of regular services that you may use, and you’ll want to include these as well for the same reasons already mentioned.  Some personal service providers to keep in mind for inclusion: 

  • Childcare provider 
  • Hairdresser 
  • Home care provider 
  • Meal preparation 
  • Transportation 
  • Tutors 

Additional Information 

Along with the contact information for these service providers, it’s a good idea to make notes about when they are expected, and you may even want to include service agreements and contracts.  For example, if you have a standing arrangement to have your sprinkler system blown out each fall, make a note of that. 

Your estate planning attorney may not include all of this information directly in your estate plan, but they will want to be able to assist your family with where it can be located when the need arises. 

If you are seeking estate planning services, please book a call with our office here .