April Harris Jackson

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In some families, every gathering is another opportunity for disputes, whether you’re meeting up after a death in the family or a holiday. Maybe you just have a uncle who thinks he’s entitled to everything after your mom passes.

No matter what the issue is, let’s see if we can keep the peace among family (and non-family) during the estate planning process! Put the boxing gloves down and keep reading.

Begin with the End in Mind

Start with the goal of clear skies and peaceful resolutions. Visualizing a successful meeting where everyone leaves with a handshake can set a positive tone. 

Remember, it’s not just about dividing assets; it’s about honoring relationships and the legacy of the will maker.

Timing is Everything

Just like planting your tomatoes after the last frost, timing in estate discussions is key. 

Choose a moment when stress levels are lower, perhaps after a family dinner. (Maybe skip the moonshine to keep heads clear – but good luck keeping the uncle away from it!) 

By allowing everyone to digest both the meal and the information, you’ll be setting the stage for a fruitful conversation.

Bring in a Neutral Party

Sometimes, it helps to have someone who isn’t Uncle Bob facilitating the discussion. An attorney experienced with family dynamics can guide the conversation without the risk of playing favorites.

Listen Like You Mean It

Active listening is like making biscuits from scratch — it takes patience and practice. Nodding along and providing a safe space for each family member to share their thoughts allows for open communication and reduces misunderstandings.

(This doesn’t mean not to speak up – just follow the golden rule and listen before you state your feelings on the matter.)

Embrace the Emotional

Acknowledge that emotions will be as present as fireflies on a humid Tennessee night. It’s natural for folks to feel a whirlwind of sentiments when it comes to inheritance. The key is to address these feelings with empathy and respect. “No apologies” is not a great way to live your life!

Document, Document, Document

Such important conversations deserve more than a handshake and a “y’all remember this now.” 

Having the decisions made in these talks put down on paper by an attorney ensures that everyone’s memory stays as sharp as the details in a log cabin quilt.

Education is Your Best Friend

Familiarize yourself with estate planning essentials by visiting reputable sources like this one on estate planning. Understanding the basics can help you steer the conversation and clarify common misconceptions.

Keep It Light

While discussing the future can be as daunting as facing a bluff on the Cumberland Plateau, a touch of humor can ease the tension. 

After all, we’re aiming for a family gathering, not a courtroom battle.

Remember, estate discussions don’t have to be as much fun as a thunderstorm at a picnic. With these strategies, you can transform family estate planning into a process as peaceful as a Tennessee sunrise. 

Consider us as your companions on this journey, offering a range of services to ensure that your family discussions avoid trouble as much as possible. 

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